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As a professional bouncer I need something that works in the real world, not just in the dojo which is a controlled environment, because as it goes live in never ends up going the way you have, people just don’t fight like that. I have trained in numerous styles and they have all failed me. The system developed by Matt Jones is easy to remember and just as easy to pull off in a real fight because it actually works. I use his system as the sole way to defend myself five days a week. I can highly recommend to anyone that wants to train a true reality based system to give serious consideration to the methods and techniques taught by Matt Jones at ISOHEALTH.

Name Withheld ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning September 14, 2015

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“He is without a doubt the most knowledgeable helpful strength trainer I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“Matt was of huge assistance during the rehabilitation of my dislocated knee.”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“Matt has produced strength and conditioning programs that were crucial in developing myself to the levels needed to play internationally”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“Matt has the ability to think laterally and applies his knowledge to create programs suitable to each individual. I have been very pleased with my own strength improvements under Matt’s training program”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“ISOHEATH is an amazing place to train, full of really nice people and an awesome coach who always tries to make sure you get the most out of each session”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“Matt has a very distinct teaching style, he teaches very strong fundamentals and backs this up with an unshakable confidence in his students”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“Matt can build bigger, stronger, faster people. It's his trade”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“I am stronger and healthier at thirty-two than I ever was in my twenties. I have absolutely no doubt that with Matt's help I will be even stronger at forty”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“I am not a naturally talented sportsperson by any means, but through Matt's coaching I have been able to successfully compete in BJJ, kickboxing and MMA” “I am not a naturally talented sportsperson by any means, but through Matt's coaching I have been able to successfully compete in BJJ, kickboxing and MMA”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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“During my two-year period at the South Australian College for Elite Golf. Matt helped me to develop strength that benefited my golf swing considerably”

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 30, 2013

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"As a professional bouncer I need something that works in the real world, not just in the dojo which is a controlled environment, because as it goes live it never ends up going the way you have, people just don’t fight like that. I have trained in numerous styles and they have all failed me. The system developed by Matt Jones is easy to remember and just as easy to pull off in a real fight because it actually works. I use his system as the sole way to defend myself five days a week. I can highly recommend to anyone that wants to train a true reality based system to give serious consideration to the methods and techniques taught by Matt Jones at ISOHEALTH".

Name Withheld

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 24, 2013

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"I train mostly for sports BJJ at the moment but at ISOHEALTH it doesn’t matter what your goals are. You could be training for sport, for fun or for self defence, whatever your goals you have what you need here".

Tristan McGilvray

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Purple Belt, Social Worker, 3 x BJJ State Champion, Pan-Pacific BJJ Championships Silver Medallist

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 24, 2013

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Testimonial from Jim Wagner, Founder of Reality-Based Personal Protection - Matt Jones was the Australian Director for Reality-Based Personal Protection from 2004 - 2009, Matt still believes the RBPP system is a great method but his busy schedule has left him with insufficient time to stay on as RBPP Australian Director.

"Matt Jones is my Reality-Based Personal Protection Director for Australia. He is my personal representative for this global system in all of Australia. For the past few years I have both taught Matt Jones and have worked closely with him both in the United States and Australia. He, like all of my directors worldwide, has mastered the RBPP system. He teaches it exactly the way I want him to. However, it is just not just a matter of “imitation,” Matt Jones has internalized all of the techniques and training methods. He is truly a master of the RBPP system, and has contributed many good original ideas himself. Anyone in Australia seeking instructions from Matt Jones is getting the authentic Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection system. I’m proud of him, and I am proud of his accomplishments in presenting the Australian people with a complete self-defence system that incorporates pre-conflict, conflict, and post-conflict, the success of his self-defence school, and his widely popular articles in Blitz magazine."

Jim Wagner

Founder Reality-Based Personal Protection System
World leading Defensive Tactics Instructor
Former United States Federal Agent
Former California Corrections Officer, Police Officer & SWAT Team Member

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 24, 2013

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"After years of training in Tae Kwon Do I thought I was a decent fighter. It wasn't until I started training with Matt at ISOHEALTH that I discovered the importance of Clinch fighting, groundwork, takedowns and sparring with resisting opponents. He has helped me to become a more complete fighter. Having now trained at ISOHEALTH for over six months I couldn't picture myself going elsewhere. In this short period of time I have learnt how to fight on the ground, developed a good standup/clinch game, competed successfully in the state BJJ championships and had a great time doing so. Last but not least Matt’s coaching style works great for me, I’d only been training 7 weeks when he coached me to a Silver Medal in the South Australian BJJ Championships and I was competing in the biggest division of the day".

Lachlan Conway

BJJ Purple Belt, Multiple Time BJJ State Champion/Gold Medalist, Australian Champion/Gold Medalist, Tae Kwon Do Black Belt (1st degree)

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 24, 2013

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"Matt has no ego, radiates no arrogance but shows full dedication to the techniques he teaches. He is one of the few martial arts instructors, who's learned ability, lets him demonstrate self defence from non scripted attacks"

Chris Moase

Engineer, Judo Black Belt, BJJ Blue Belt

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 24, 2013

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"In July of 2008, I travelled to Adelaide, South Australia for the 5 day Level 1 Reality Based Personal Protection instructors’ course, taught by founder Mr. Jim Wagner, and his Australian director Mr Matt Jones. While in Adelaide I also had the opportunity to join in one of Matt's regular Brazilian Jiu Jitsu group classes he teaches at his full time academy. I enjoyed tremendously all the training during my time in Adelaide and it was a very educational experience for me. The knowledge I gained during my time training with Matt has been of great benefit to me as both a student and instructor. I have been a student of the Martial Arts for close to 20 years and during that time I've had the opportunity to train with many world class instructors, and I include Matt in that group. Matt is an extremely talented and passionate coach of the highest character. I highly recommend training in Jiu Jitsu, Fitness, and Self Defence with Matt to anyone who has the opportunity, and I look forward to training with Matt again in the future myself. If anyone has any questions I'd be glad to answer and can be contacted via my website www.gracie.com.au. Thankyou for your time."

Luke Beston

Beston-Gracie Jiu Jitsu www.gracie.com.au

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning July 24, 2013

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“I have trained with Matt for the last five years and recently earned my purple belt. I also have a form of muscular dystrophy which affects my extremities. I am a living testament to Matt's abilities as a teacher in that he has been able to guide me to a point which many people without health problems never reach. Matt ‘s dedication to my development was unfaltering despite significant obstacles to overcome and this characterises his relationship with each and every one of his students"

Lachy Barr
    Recruitment Specialist, BJJ Purple Belt, 2009 State Champion

ISOHEALTH BJJ MMA Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning June 22, 2013

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